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Grown and harvested in the Maloti Mountains of Lesotho, Morobei is Rosehip Oil in its purest and strongest form. 

This organic oil is a powerful natural medicine for the skin, having a smoothing and soft effect, yet creating a robustness and tenacity in the skin.


R   O   S   E   H   I   P         O   I   L

Rosehips are the fruit of a rosebush. When roses die and are left on the bush, they leave behind bright reddish-orange, spherical fruit. These small edible fruits have powerful medicinal effects.


Rosehip oil contains Vitamin C and Vitamin A.

It also contains essential fatty acids such as:


  • oleic acid

  • palmitic acid

  • linoleic acid

  • gamma linolenic acid





Exfoliation and Brightening of Skin

Boosts Collagen Formation


Protection against Sun Damage

Reduces Hyperpigmentation

Morobei is 100% Organic
Pure Cold
Press Extract

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